
Development and application of the transcorrelated method


Accurate methods are mandatory to correctly describe strongly correlated systems, but have an unfavorable computational scaling with the size of the system. An exact calculation called full configuration interaction (FCI), even scales exponentially with the system size. In addition to this hierarchy of methods, there is a hierarchy of basis set expansions. In electronic structure theory, the Schrödinger equation is usually expanded in one-electron basis functions (plane waves for extended systems/basis sets for molecular problems), which makes it tractable to solve, but fails to capture the electron-cusp condition[1], a form of electron correlation. For a quantitatively accurate description of the physics/chemistry of a system it is crucial to capture this form of correlation. This necessitates using many basis functions, which results in more computational effort for highly accurate methods.

Explicitly correlated methods[2] can reduce the need for large basis set expansions by directly incorporating the electronic cusp condition in the wavefunction Ansatz. In the transcorrelated (TC) approach, a correlated Ansatz -- exactly incorporating the cusp condition -- is applied and used to perform a similarity transformation of the electronic Hamiltonian describing the ab initio chemical system. The benefit of the TC method is that it yields highly accurate results already with a small number of basis functions. The challenge, however, is that the TC approach renders the Hamiltonian non-Hermitian and introduces 3-body terms. Thus, most computational methods need to be modified to deal with these intricacies, which I was able to do during my Ph.D. for the full configuration interaction QMC (FCIQMC) method and on quantum computing hardware during my postdoc.

Related Publications:


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  2. Faraday Diss.
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  1. Optimizing Jastrow factors for the transcorrelated method
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  2. Orders of magnitude increased accuracy for quantum many-body problems on quantum computers via an exact transcorrelated method
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  1. Performance of a one-parameter correlation factor for transcorrelation: Study on a series of second row atomic and molecular systems
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  1. PhD Thesis
    Development of Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo Methods for Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
    Werner Dobrautz
    University of Stuttgart, Mar 2019
  2. Compact numerical solutions to the two-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model obtained via nonunitary similarity transformations
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    Phys. Rev. B, Feb 2019
  3. Similarity transformation of the electronic Schrödinger equation via Jastrow factorization
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