Spin symmetry

Implementation and exploitation of spin symmetry


The concept of symmetry is of paramount importance in physics and chemistry. The exploitation of the inherent symmetries and corresponding conservation laws in electronic structure calculations not only reduces the degrees of freedom by block-diagonalization of the Hamiltonian into different symmetry sectors but also ensures the conservation of “good” quantum numbers and, thus, the physical correctness of calculated quantities. It also allows us to target a specific many-body subspace of the problem at hand. Commonly utilized symmetries in electronic structure calculations are discrete translational and point group symmetries, angular momentum, and z-projection of the total spin. Due to a non-straight-forward implementation and accompanying increased computational cost, one often ignored symmetry is the global SU(2) spin-rotation symmetry of spin-preserving, nonrelativistic Hamiltonians, common to many molecular systems studied.

In addition to the abovementioned Hilbert space size reduction and conservation of the total spin S, solving for the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian in a spin-eigenbasis allows targeting distinct—even (near-)degenerate—spin eigenstates, which allows the calculation of spin gaps between states inaccessible otherwise, and facilitates a correct physical interpretation of calculations and description of chemical processes governed by the intricate interplay between them. Moreover, by working in a specific spin sector, convergence of projective techniques that rely on the repeated application of a propagator to an evolving wavefunction is greatly improved, especially where there are near spin-degeneracies in the exact spectrum.

The Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo (FCIQMC) approach is a method that benefits from working in a spin-pure many-body basis. In my PhD, I implemented FCIQMC in a fully spin-adapted basis based on the unitary group approach. I applied the above methodology to obtain results not otherwise attainable with conventional approaches for the spin-gap of the high-spin cobalt atom ground- and low-spin excited state and the electron affinity of scandium within chemical accuracy to experiment. Furthermore, we establish the ordering of the scandium anion bound states, which has until now not been experimentally determined. Recently, my spin-adapted implementation of FCIQMC enabled us to study the magnetic properties and spin interactions of transition-metal complexes in the form of iron-sulfur cluster, Nagaoka ferromagnetism in the hole-doped Hubbard model and a combination of the unitary and symmetric group approach for low-dimensional spin systems, possibly extending our method to allow the study of spin-liquid phases.

Related Publications:


  1. Quantum computing in spin-adapted representations for efficient simulations of spin systems
    Anthony Gandon, Alberto Baiardi, Max Rossmannek, Werner Dobrautz, and Ivano Tavernelli


  1. Ferromagnetic domains in the large-U Hubbard model with a few holes: A full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo study
    Sujun Yun, Werner Dobrautz, Hongjun Luo, Vamshi Katukuri, Niklas Liebermann, and 1 more author
    Phys. Rev. B, Feb 2023


  1. Combined unitary and symmetric group approach applied to low-dimensional Heisenberg spin systems
    Werner Dobrautz, Vamshi M. Katukuri, Nikolay A. Bogdanov, Daniel Kats, Giovanni Li Manni, and 1 more author
    Phys. Rev. B, May 2022


  1. Benchmark study of Nagaoka ferromagnetism by spin-adapted full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo
    Sujun Yun, Werner Dobrautz, Hongjun Luo, and Ali Alavi
    Phys. Rev. B, Dec 2021
  2. Resolution of Low-Energy States in Spin-Exchange Transition-Metal Clusters: Case Study of Singlet States in [Fe(III)_4S_4] Cubanes
    Giovanni Li Manni, Werner Dobrautz, Nikolay A. Bogdanov, Kai Guther, and Ali Alavi
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, May 2021
  3. Spin-Pure Stochastic-CASSCF via GUGA-FCIQMC Applied to Iron–Sulfur Clusters
    Werner Dobrautz, Oskar Weser, Nikolay A. Bogdanov, Ali Alavi, and Giovanni Li Manni
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Sep 2021


  1. Compression of Spin-Adapted Multiconfigurational Wave Functions in Exchange-Coupled Polynuclear Spin Systems
    Giovanni Li Manni, Werner Dobrautz, and Ali Alavi
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Feb 2020
  2. NECI: N-Electron Configuration Interaction with an emphasis on state-of-the-art stochastic methods
    Kai Guther, Robert J. Anderson, Nick S. Blunt, Nikolay A. Bogdanov, Deidre Cleland, and 20 more authors
    The Journal of Chemical Physics, Jul 2020
  3. Foundation of Multi-Configurational Quantum Chemistry
    Giovanni Li Manni, Kai Guther, Dongxia Ma, and Werner Dobrautz
    Nov 2020


  1. PhD Thesis
    Development of Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo Methods for Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
    Werner Dobrautz
    University of Stuttgart, Mar 2019
  2. Efficient formulation of full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo in a spin eigenbasis via the graphical unitary group approach
    Werner Dobrautz, Simon D. Smart, and Ali Alavi
    The Journal of Chemical Physics, Sep 2019