Quantum Computing

My research in the area of novel quantum computing approaches to solve the electronic structure problem


Due to the unfavorable scaling with system and basis set size, accurate computational approaches are practically limited to small problem sizes, even on high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. Quantum computing, on the other hand, harnesses quantum mechanical phenomena to allow a major leap in computation. By using quantum bits (qubits) as the basic unit of information and computation, quantum computers can encode an exponentially growing problem space with the superposition of n qubits. Specifically designed quantum algorithms are then able to utilize quantum wave interference and entanglement to find solutions to problems in this vast multidimensional space. Multiple research teams were able to show so-called quantum advantage, solving problems on a quantum computer orders of magnitude faster than the largest supercomputers -- albeit for highly constructed and practically irrelevant problems. The sizes of electronic structure problems treatable on current quantum hardware are far more modest and do not yet exceed the capability of conventional computing approaches. The main roadblocks are noise, the circuit depth, and the limited number of available qubits, as the number of qubits needed to encode a given problem is equal to the size of the utilized basis set.

Thus, quantum computing has the potential to provide a significant speedup compared to classical computers, but the practical implementation is still in its infancy. Two central questions are: (1) in which field the current NISQ hardware can provide benefits compared to classical computers and (2) which methods and algorithms enable this advantage?
My research in quantum computing aims to answer these questions by developing hybrid digital quantum computing algorithms to enable accurate electronic structure calculations on current and near-term quantum hardware. My research in this area focuses on NISQ-friendly hybrid quantum-classical approaches, where the quantum processing unit (QPU) is used to efficiently prepare and store parametrized quantum states and measure expectation values of operators of interest, i.e., the system's Hamiltonian. The measured expected values are then used on a classical processing unit (CPU) to update the parameters of our quantum state to iteratively perform a desired computation, i.e., ground/excited state energy calculation, time-evolution, dynamic response functions, etc.
A major roadblock toward realistic electronic structure calculations on NISQ devices is the above-mentioned necessary expansion of a problem in larger and larger number of basis functions. A large number of basis functions increases the required number of qubits to encode the system of interest on quantum hardware. The transcorrelated method reduces the necessary expansion size, allowing highly accurate electronic structure calculations for relevant, realistic systems on NISQ devices. This directly tackles two of the major problems of current quantum computing hardware: (1) the limited number of available qubits (circuit width) and (2) the restricted circuit depth due to qubit/gate noise and decoherence.

Related Publications:


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  2. Quantum
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    Quantum, Apr 2024
  3. Toward Real Chemical Accuracy on Current Quantum Hardware Through the Transcorrelated Method
    Werner Dobrautz, Igor O. Sokolov, Ke Liao, Pablo López Ríos, Martin Rahm, and 2 more authors
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  4. Faraday Diss.
    Towards efficient quantum computing for quantum chemistry: reducing circuit complexity with transcorrelated and adaptive ansatz techniques
    Erika Magnusson, Aaron Fitzpatrick, Stefan Knecht, Martin Rahm, and Werner Dobrautz
    Faraday Discussions, May 2024
  5. Chem. Sci.
    The electron density: a fidelity witness for quantum computation
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    Chemical Science, May 2024


  1. Reference-State Error Mitigation: A Strategy for High Accuracy Quantum Computation of Chemistry
    Phalgun Lolur, Mårten Skogh, Werner Dobrautz, Christopher Warren, Janka Biznárová, and 5 more authors
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Jan 2023
  2. Orders of magnitude increased accuracy for quantum many-body problems on quantum computers via an exact transcorrelated method
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    Phys. Rev. Res., Jun 2023