Our work to enable accurate quantum chemistry on current quantum hardware through the transcorrelated approach is now published in Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation: Link

In this work, we use an explicitly correlated Ansatz that transfers – without any approximation – correlation from the wavefunction to the Hamiltonian of a system. Consequently, the wavefunction/solution is easier to describe, and we can drastically reduce the number of quantum resources – in the form of qubits and circuit depth – to achieve accurate quantum chemistry results.

To showcase the power of this resource reduction: it allowed us to calculate the dissociation energy of lithium hydride within chemical accuracy to experimental /complete basis set limit results on the hashtag#ibm lagos device. In the case of LiH, our method only requires 4 qubits, and the easier description of the wavefunction allows us to use a hardware-efficient Ansatz with a CNOT gate count of only 6.

For more details, please have a look at the #openaccess paper or reach out to me!

Thanks to Igor Sokolov, Ke Liao, Pablo López Ríos, Martin Rahm, Ali Alavi and Ivano Tavernelli for the great collaboration